Friday 6 July 2012

Pakistani Talk Shows And Latest News On Siasi TV


Talk shows bring the people of hostile views to one place. These get-togethers are essential for the conformity of the people belonging to different social backgrounds. It is always advisable to listen to opposite ideas more attentively to make oneself more tolerant towards those who hold some other views. Talk shows in media help the public formulate their own opinion about a particular issue. Thus awareness is created among the people along with consolidating the national integrity of the people. Talk shows are also indicators of skepticism or that everything is not going on smoothly a fact which serves a corner stone in the intellectual advancement of the people. The people begin to think beyond their immediate needs and demands when they participate in social gatherings in the form of talk shows.

Political Shows

 Political shows serve to create political awareness among the people. Without media, the people would not have been aware of the political intrigues and manipulations which is an essential part of power sharing. These political shows also highlight those political figures who are really contributing towards their people thus becoming distinct from those who are not delivering goods as they should be. These political shows are conducted with a concern to think out the solutions to those problems which have been decaying the very foundations of the society. These political shows are not organized to offer politicians an opportunity to justify their own actions and dehumanize their opponents. These shows are arranged to discuss those burning issues to reach a consensus about them.

Pakistani Current Affairs

Pakistani current affairs are not in such a state that we could call them normal. Take the case of women, they are being given protection and security by the law, but in actual terms, they are not permitted to stay in the forefront. Inflation has demoralized the public enormously. It seems the general people are losing stamina to fight against this monster of inflation. Due to load-shedding, we are living in the Stone Age in this mind-blowing advancement of science and technology. People are being denied the right to free education which is their birth right living in a constitutionally acknowledged welfare state. Who will steer this country out of this whirl-pool and how is a million dollar question.